• About us

About us

The Regional and Political Geography Research Center (REGPOL) is an established research team at the Department of Social Geography and Regional Development, Faculty of Science, Charles University. The main goal of the scientific and pedagogical work of the team is to research, discuss and present various topics of political and regional geography on different and interconnected scale levels - global, European, national, regional, and local. Members of the Center guarantee the teaching of political-geographic courses in the bachelor, master and doctoral study program Regional and Political Geography. They publish the results of their work in prestigious academic and popular journals and at international conferences. They also present their knowledge in the media and regularly participate in events focused on education and popularization of geography.

The Department of Social Geography and Regional Development is one of the top human geography departments in Czechia and Central Europe as a whole. Its faculty members are the principal investigators of research grants funded by the Czech Science Foundation and the Charles University Science Foundation, and are involved in international research grants. Members of the Department also regularly publish abroad, serve on editorial boards of international academic journals, participate in major international scientific associations, and play an important role in the Czech Geographical Society. The QS World University Ranking by Subject ranked the School of Geography at Charles University’s Faculty of Science in the top one hundred Geography schools/departments in the world in seven consecutive years between 2011 and 2018. Only one additional discipline at the entire Charles University ranked in the top one hundred in the same period.

Poslední změna: 11. listopad 2024 14:28 
Máte dotaz ?

Přírodovědecká fakulta, Univerzita Karlova

Faculty of Science, Charles University

Albertov 6, 128 43 Praha 2


administrátor obsahu: David Hána

šablona webových stránek: ÚVT UK

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